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Boynton Beach Man, 21, Dies Following Boating Accident Near Key Largo

Eytan M. Genoune (Credit: Social Media Photo)

Eytan M. Genoune (Credit: Social Media Photo)

A 21-year-old Boynton Beach man, who was a noted local angler, died over the weekend in a boating accident near Key Largo, authorities said.

According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Miami-Dade Fire Rescue was dispatched at about 10:25 a.m. to a boating accident involving multiple people near Card Sound, a body of water north of Key Largo and south of Biscayne National Park. Numerous fire boats and helicopters, plus FWC and U.S. Coast Guard personnel responded to the scene where a 34-foot Nor-Tech center console was reportedly involved in an accident.

Two victims were plucked out of the water by a MDFR helicopter, while Coast Guard rescue swimmers were able to help another victim out of the water and onto an awaiting vessel. The third person, identified as Eytan M. Genoune, of Boynton Beach, did not survive the ordeal.

FWC officials said the Nor-Tech made a “sudden turn” which caused Genoune and the two other victims, who were not identified by name, overboard. It was unclear who was piloting the vessel.

NBC Miami reported that police, fire officials and the USCG returned to an area near the scene late Saturday and removed an object from the water, though it was not confirmed what the object was or whether it was related to the deadly accident.

A online fundraising page set up on Genoune’s behalf has raised over $16,000 that will benefit his mother to cover his final expenses.
